Summer Quarterly Meeting!

I am very pleased to announce our Summer Quarterly Meeting, because I am so excited about our speaker, Rebecca K. Weber, who will be speaking to us about German customs.  I'm guessing that it will be some fun and lively discussion!  We will be also be at a new location, so look out for that in the details, too!

HENhaus Cordially Invites You to A Lecture on German Culture:

"Life in Germany… How To Get Along with Your Neighbors
and Avoid Offending your Waitress."

With Rebecca K. Weber

Hosted by HENhaus
At Our Summer 2011 Quarterly Meeting
All are Welcome!

June 29th 10:00 – 12:00
Erlangen Begegnungszentrum – Raum 2 (Untergeschoss)
Fröbelstr. 6
91058 Erlangen

Toys and space for young children available.
Please RSVP to by 6/22

Read more about us in the new issue of "Fritzi" Magazine!

The newest issue of the bi-monthly magazine "Fritzi" is out, and features an article on expat living in our area. This article includes commentary from an interview with me, a little bit about the inspiration for HENhaus and details on who we are and what we do, not to mention discussion around challenges of the expat life with family and kids!

 The German version...

and the English... (click on an image to make them larger...)

Thanks to Gabi over at "Fritzi" magazine for including us!  Click HERE to visit the Fritzi website.