HENhaus Fall Meeting Recap

Hi Ladies -

I am just so super excited to report back after our Fall Quarterly Meeting this week!  It was fabulous for so many reasons...

1. We had a great group of ladies and the largest turn-out we've had at a HH meeting ever!  And this wasn't even a "fun" meeting since we had mostly business items to discuss!

2. We had a really fun ice-breaker where we went outside, got to run, jump and be silly - and learn a few quirky, little known facts about each other.  Like - none of us is really adventurous when it comes to climbing!

3. We have adopted the "Articles of Association" for the group, and are now set to get even more organized on our group governance! (And no one fell asleep while we did that!  Except perhaps one 4 month old...)

4. We have a group of ladies who have volunteered to organize and run our fall volunteer drive!  Woohoo!  A special thanks goes out to those ladies!  (Please make sure to sign up to volunteer if you haven't done so already!!!)

5. We have a plan of action for filling the office of Vice President and a couple of candidates to vote on at our Winter meeting, come January!  Make sure to be there!  (My growing belly and the little girl inside thank you!)

It really was very encouraging to see all of you there, and to really feel the spirit of giving back to our expat community growing with the group.  During the meeting I mentioned that I had received a Thank You note this week, which really touched me... since this is what our group is really all about I thought I would share it with you here...

"I wanted to let you know that our meeting cheered me up quite a bit. Things got off to such a rough start here that I was really feeling blue about everything. So with at least one person, in one hour, you accomplished what you set out to do with HenHaus. I'm sure there are lots more of us that appreciate your efforts!"

A huge thanks goes out to ALL of you who help make this possible by serving and donating your time - it really is worth it!!!

HENhaus President & Founder