HENhaus Fall Meeting

Hi Everybody-

can't believe it's almost time for our next quarterly meeting!  Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather and lots of fun travel and time with kids in the meantime!  But the fall meeting will be an important one for our group and its future, so please plan on attending!  We will be reviewing our Mission Statement and the Articles of Association, as well as reviewing open positions and accepting nominations for next year.

The Fall 2011 Quarterly Meeting will be held September 28th, at 10:00.
Location: Erlangen Begegnungzentrum

Erlangen Begegnungszentrum – Raum 2 (Untergeschoss)
Fröbelstr. 6
91058 Erlangen

Toys and space for young children available.
Please RSVP to henhausnewcomer@gmail.com by 9/25

Look forward to seeing you then!

~Kat de Laat

HENhaus Founder and President